The School Un-Raiser

A partnership between Active Literature, the Children’s Literacy Innovations nonprofit, and multi-award-winning author Jeff Nathan

Direct Donation Streaming for Elementary and Middle Schools

Imagine automatically streaming in funds by improving children’s lives… with NONE of the traditional fundraising gotchas:

  • No Selling

  • No Pledging
  • No Fattening Foods
  • No Inventory
  • No Inflated Pricing – In fact, you get a discount!!
  • No Parental Fundraiser Fatigue
  • No Delivering
  • No Collecting
  • No Aggravation

Instead, we hook kids on reading via the multi-award-winning mystery that stars THEM as the main character and hero!

This multi-level fundraising system was conceived and is supported by Children’s Literacy Innovations, a non-profit, to get all children to WANT to read.

“Our #1 book choice for grades K-6 to get students to WANT to read!”

Yagelis Pichardo, Board Chair Children's Literacy Innovations non-profit

“Nothing has gotten my students more excited about reading than the Sherlock and Me personalized mystery. They beg for the chance to read about themselves.”

Kathleen Marchetti, GR5 Teacher, Witchcraft Heights Elementary School, Salem, MA

The world's first interactive, choose-your-path, personalized mystery for kids. Winner of multiple awards including a Ben Franklin award for innovation in children's literature.

The Un-Raiser Funding System

How does the school make money? 

Every child at your school gets a free first chapter of the multi-award-winning humorous digital mystery about THEM. They are also rewarded for sharing with friends a free first chapter of THEIR book. The publisher donates money to the school for every  “thrill-up” (paid request for the balance of the book) that happens from all of the school’s free chapters and shared free chapters. 

How much is made? 

The publisher donates $2.00 for each “thrill-up” or purchase of the school books AND  the shared books—by every single thrilled-up share that comes from your students’  codes.  

Why will this be lucrative for the school? 

Children, parents, teachers, cafeteria workers, parents—ANYBODY with a code related to your school is allowed to share. Watch as money comes streaming in via books shared all over the country. And don’t be surprised by reading specialists and librarians becoming enamored with this book and sharing free chapters everywhere.

In addition to the school being rewarded, each child/family is rewarded based on the number of thrilled-up shares that they or their family initiates. Prizes include free products and even a family Zoom call with the book’s author! 

Why should we expect people to like this book in droves? 

  1. It is the world’s first and only mystery starring the reading child as main character and hero. What child does not want to read about (or be read to about)  themselves as a hero at their own school?
  2. The book won multiple awards and has raving reviews.
  3. We provide a variety of school and child rewards that no one else can.
  4. We will even reward you for providing more reward ideas that YOU would want.

How does the school maximize its return on its $0 investment?

A much bigger starting base and many more shares will happen if you don’t rely on parents to individually signing up their children up for the initial free chapter. Providing lists will guarantee you a significantly larger return. 

Can we just sign up and get going? 

While we would like to work with every school that wants to sign up, we have limited staffing and want to make sure everyone we do work with walks away thrilled. To maximize your chances of being part of this amazing program, please contact your contact ASAP and/or sign up here. Those with phone numbers will be contacted first: